Road to EuroBasket 2017 - Friendly: Montenegro falls in the last few minutes against Italy

With a great second half of the season, but especially a terrific fourth quarter, Italy surpasses Montenegro on the first day of the Toulouse tournament in preparation for EuroBsket 2017, with a score of 67-66 (24 points Marco Belinelli). Montenegro closed 26-39 the first half, giving the impression of controlling the game (Dubljevic 13).
Italia-Montenegro 67-66 (14-20, 12-19, 20-14, 21-13)
Italia: Hackett 3 (0/1, 1/2), Della Valle ne, Belinelli 24 (3/7, 4/7), Aradori 6 (1/4, 1/5), Filloy 3 (1/5 da tre), Biligha 2 (1/2), Melli 5 (1/2, 1/2), Pascolo 4 (2/2), Cervi, Cinciarini (0/1), Abass 2 (1/3), Baldi Rossi 3 (0/2, 1/2), Burns 5 (1/1 da tre), Datome 10 (2/3, 2/3). All: Messina
Montenegro: Vucevic 7 (3/11), Mihailovic 1 (0/2 da tre), Sehovic 5 (0/1, 1/3), Pavlicevic ne, Radoncic 11 (1/1, 2/2), Todorovic 5 (1/2), Djurisic 7 (1/1, 1/2), Rice 7 (2/6, 0/3), Dubljevic 13 (2/5, 0/1), Barovic 6 (3/5), Djukanovic (0/1, 0/3), Ivanovic 4 (0/1, 1/5), Vranjes ne, Nikolic ne. All: Tanjevic
Arbitri: Hamzaoui, Thepenier, Oliot
Tiri da due Ita 11/27, Mne 13/34; Tiri da tre Ita 12/27, Mne 5/21; Tiri liberi Ita 9/9, Mne 25/37. Rimbalzi Ita 37, Mne 38. Assist Ita 13, Mne 13.