Official: Tibor Pleiss leaves Anadolu Efes after six seasons

17.06.2024 11:10 of  Iacopo De Santis  Twitter:    see readings
Official: Tibor Pleiss leaves Anadolu Efes after six seasons
© photo mancini / ciamillo

Tibor Pleiss' adventure at Anadolu Efes comes to a close. "Today we say goodbye to a true Anadolu Efes fan and a true champion! Unforgettable games, responsibility taken at critical moments and unforgettable finals.... You played a key role in many of our victories with your dedication. At the same time, you have become the darling of all Anadolu Efes fans with your exemplary personality and entertaining personality. For all that, this will always be your home. Thank you for all the pleasant memories!" the club wrote on its social profiles.

Pleiss joined Efes in 2018 after a season at Valencia. In six years in an Efes jersey, he contributed to winning two EuroLeagues in 2021 and 2022, three Turkish championships, and a Turkish Cup, complete with MVP in 2022. He finished last EuroLeague season averaging 7.8 points per game and 3.6 rebounds in 18.0 minutes. He is the 12th best rebounder in the history of the competition.