Vassilis Spanoulis to Monaco? “We'll see, we'll see”, he said

Vassilis Spanoulis led Greece to a 77-67 victory over Great Britain yesterday, with the Hellenes regaining the top spot in the qualifying round after losing in previous days the first game. The 42-year-old coach responded at the end of the game to a question regarding his future, since there has been talk in recent hours of an upcoming deal with AS Monaco Basket after Sasa Obradovic's fired. The former EuroLeague star is cryptic in responding, “I don't want to say more because it's not fair to our guys and the national team. I understand his position and his work and I respect that. But I also want you to respect the fact that we are with the national team now. We just played and won. The honor and pride of being with the national team is such that I don't want to be involved in anything else.” While on Greek ERT television he says, “No, no. We will see, we will see.”