Official: Kevin Punter is a new player of FC Barcelona

19.06.2024 11:10 of  Iacopo De Santis   see readings
Official: Kevin Punter is a new player of FC Barcelona

Now it's official: Kevin Punter is a new Barcelona player. An important reinforcement for the team of new coach Joan Peñarroya, who has signed the American guard to a rich one-year contract (reportedly $3 million for 2024/25). "I'm so eager to start, I'm very excited for the upcoming season and I hope to give my best. See you soon and Força Barça!" the player's first words. Punter, who will turn 31 on June 25, last season put up 15 points, 2.6 assists and 14.2 rating in Euroleague in 28 games played. In the overall Euroleague career, he has a total of 124 games played, averaging 14.5 points, 2 assists and 12.6 PIR per game.