Official: former Pistons' Deividas Sirvydis signed with Zalgiris Kaunas

18.06.2024 08:37 of  Iacopo De Santis  Twitter:    see readings
Official: former Pistons' Deividas Sirvydis signed with Zalgiris Kaunas

First signing for Zalgiris Kaunas ahead of next season the Lithuanian club announced it has signed Deividas Sirvydis to a two-year contract with an option for a third season. The 24-year-old was the 37th pick in the 2019 NBA Draft and after overseas experience from 2020 to 2023 with the Detroit Pistons jersey in the NBA, and those of Motor City Cruise, Fort Wayne Mad Ants and Wisconsin Herd in the GLeague, he returned to Europe last summer. With the 7bet-Lietkabelis Panevėžys he won the Top Scorer award in the EuroCup, a competition closed with an average of 18.9 points per game (42.3 percent from three-point range). At the end of the season he was included in the Second Team in the EuroCup and the First Team in the LKL, the Lithuanian league.